Bringing an idea to life: How AccessoAR came to be
—–extra live demo video at the end of this blog
——no pattern markers required. no preliminary pictures need to be taken
One fine day I began bowling ideas with Robert, Triangela´s CEO about how IT would look and feel like.
With him being the technical mastermind behind all we do, I knew I would get a fair quote regarding the resources and time we would need to invest in having IT done.
“When do we start?” he asked rhetorically, and that´s when I realized we were going to do IT.
Six months later, AccessoAR has already won a national start-up competition, been selected in SLUSH 100 out of 2 500 european startups, been featured in the news as well as put us at the negotiation table with two major fashion retailers.
This is a story about our road into the unknown and how we succeeded as a team.
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